Open Day about BCCI’s BUSINESS IN HUNGARY Toolkit

2024-11-20 14:50
The Budapest Chamber of Commerce’s International Project Office - in close collaboration with ImpactHUB - held a successful open day on Wednesday, November 13 to promote the BCCI’s BUSINESS IN HUNGARY Toolkit.

Targeting non-Hungarians looking to set up their own business in Hungary, the event aimed at spreading the word about professional assistance provided by BCCI to registered companies and voluntary members in particular. A key objective of the event was to highlight the difference between mandatory registration with the chamber, and voluntary membership by introducing the many benefits that come with the latter.

The Open Day lined up some great professional experts who held presentations about the legal, accounting, taxation and business development aspects of starting a new business in Hungary. Beatrix Bedő, from ImpactHUB, Mónika Harsányi, from BCCI’s International Project Management Office, Viktor Kalló dr., of SimpleTax, and György Kovács dr. of Kovács Réti Szeghő Attorneys at Law shared invaluable thoughts and slides with the audience.

To make the event even more interactive, the attendees could sign up for 1:2:1 consultation sessions with our experts. The Open Day also provided excellent opportunity to do some networking and listen to three wonderful success stories.

The audience really appreciated the valuable insights shared by Los Carballos (selling Cuban lifestyle in the form of music AND food), by Karen Avila (selling Mexican pastries in the heart of Budapest), and Arepa Xpress (offering Venezuelan food catering services)  

If you are interested in BUSINESS IN HUNGARY TOOLKIT in more detail make sure to check out HERE for more details.

HERE you can sign up for Voluntary Membership.

HERE you can learn more about the difference between Mandatory BCCI Registration and Voluntary Membership.