Visit of Ronan Gargan, Ambassador of Ireland to Hungary, and Damien O'Kane, President of the Irish-Hungarian Business Circle, to Elek Nagy, President of BCCI

2023-09-20 10:47
On 1 December 2021, Ronan Gargan, Ambassador of Ireland to Hungary, and Damien O'Kane, President of the Irish-Hungarian Business Circle, visited Elek Nagy, President of BCCI. The meeting was attended by Péter Babák, Head of the BCCI International Relation

Elek Nagy, President of BCCI, presented the Hungarian chamber system in detail, and highlighted the differences between the Anglo-Saxon type of chambers, which mostly do not require compulsory membership and operate with high membership fees.

Ronan Gargan then presented the latest developments in the Irish economy and the Hungarian-Irish trade relations. With regard to the presence of Irish companies in Hungary, he said that there are about 100 Irish companies operating in the country, among which he highlighted the farm machinery manufacturer McHale in Szolnok, employing 150 people in the Hungarian factory.

At the end of the conversation, Ronan Gargan mentioned that they are in contact with the Tempus Public Foundation and that the Embassy is supportive of Hungarian teachers of English coming to Ireland for further training. President Nagy assured the Ambassador of his full support and indicated that BCCI is ready for cooperation.